

Par procedūru

PRX T33 is a non-invasive biorevitalization therapy using a special complex of hyaluronic acid and tricloroacetin. This treatment rejuvenates the skin, stimulates collagen production and improves its elasticity, leaving it looking fresh and radiant. Skin rejuvenation is performed without injections or external skin damage, offering effective and fast results.

Procedūras Ieguvumi

  1. Biorevitalization: PRX T33 stimulates skin renewal, creating a youthful glow and improving skin health.

  2. Non-invasive: no injections and no skin damage, ensuring fast and effective results.

  3. Collagen Production: the treatment stimulates collagen production, improving skin elasticity and texture.

  4. Freshness and Softening: skin is left feeling fresh, velvety and soft, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

  5. Fast Results Visibility: benefits are visible after the first treatment, offering fast and long-lasting effects.

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