

Par procedūru

Mesotherapy is a medical procedure in which a doctor or cosmetologist injects specific substances directly into the skin to improve its condition. This method effectively hydrates, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, creating a youthful glow and expressive complexion.

Procedūras ieguvumi

  1. Deep Hydration: mesotherapy provides intense hydration, improving the skin’s hydration and velvetiness.

  2. Nourishing with Active Ingredients: enriching the skin with essential nutrients, promoting its health and vitality.

  3. Skin Rejuvenation: the treatment stimulates skin cell renewal, creating a youthful appearance and texture.

  4. Wrinkle Reduction: Mesotherapy helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles for smoother skin.

  5. Stimulated Collagen Production: the skin gains elasticity and radiance as mesotherapy stimulates collagen production, improving its structure.

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